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LCME Student Member Nominations (Academic Year 2025-26)


The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) is accepting nominations for student members for the 2025-2026 academic year.  One student will be selected through a process by the American Medical Association (AMA) and one through a process by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).  Deans of LCME-accredited medical education programs can nominate a student for one of the open positions by following nomination requirements and instructions outlined below. Please nominate a student for only one of these positions, based on your assessment of the nominee’s fit with the respective requirements.

Student members of the LCME participate fully in LCME activities, including serving on one survey team during the year, and have full voting privileges. The selected students will begin their official term of service on July 1, 2025. Selected students are invited to attend the June 2025 LCME meeting in Chicago, IL as an orientation. All expenses for student member participation in LCME activities are covered by the LCME.

General Requirements for Both the AMA and AAMC Student Members

  • The nominee must have a letter of support from the dean. Applications without a signed letter from the dean will not be considered.
  • The nominee must have completed the clerkship year.
  • The nominee should be in good academic standing and able to commit sufficient time to LCME duties, including attending three LCME meetings during the year, participating in one survey visit, and serving as a reviewer of reports from survey teams and schools.
  • Student members should be student leaders with a demonstrated interest in medical education, preferably demonstrated by membership on a medical school curriculum governance committee and/or participation in their own school’s accreditation review.

Student member nominations for either position must be received by September 23, 2024. Submit nomination materials according to the process for each organization described below.

AMA Student Member

Nominees for the AMA student member position must be a member of the AMA.  A nomination form for the student to complete and submit is available on the AMA website:

AAMC Student Member

Nominees for the AAMC student member position must complete the online form: